Fix WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode: Your website will display a message to users that your site is in Maintenance Mode when you are working on it to update the version or plugins or other updates. It prevents users from accessing your site while you are working on it.
But sometimes you may find your site stuck in the same mode with the message “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute”, because WordPress continues to show the sign.
Causes for the Maintenance Mode Getting Stuck
Fix WordPress Maintenance Mode, When you are updating any part of the WordPress site there is a file .maintenance placed in the WordPress root folder and this file remains there during the update work. If the update is incomplete or fails, this file remains in the root folder and the message “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute” continues to display on your website.
The maintenance mode is brief in normal scenarios but when it is stuck it could happen due to a few reasons. There may be too many themes or plugins being updated at the same time or there is an interruption during the update due to the browser being closed.
You cannot avoid updating plugins, themes, or the website as these help the smooth operation of your website and ensure security.
The Solution is Simple to Fix WordPress Maintenance Mode?
When your site is stuck in the maintenance mode it means that the .maintenance file is still in your WordPress root folder and you must manually remove it.
You can access the root directory through the FTP client which is a desktop file manager or goes to File Manager through your hosting control panel and locate the .maintenance file. Delete this file and your website will function again normally. You can contact your hosting service provider to understand how to access File Manager through the cPanel to delete the .maintenance file from the WordPress root directory.
Remember, it is vital that before you begin your updating work ensure that you have created backups of the site and database.