While using WordPress you may face maximum execution time exceeded error and if you are a beginner you will wonder…
Browsing: Wordpress Error
When you see the error message “Error Establishing a Database Connection,” it simply means that WordPress couldn’t connect to your MySQL database server. The most common reason for this problem is incorrect database login credentials. Maybe your password or the username is wrong.
Syntax error in WordPress is an issue that usually occurs when a user attempts to update the current plugin/theme files…
How to fix Email not sending in WordPress: A typical problem we see amongst website owners is WordPress not sending…
Missing Admin Bar Issue in WordPress: One of the most useful tools offered by WordPress to its users is none…
WordPress 403 forbidden Error: Usually WordPress tries to explain the reason or any other details every time you face any…
Fix WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode: Your website will display a message to users that your site is in Maintenance…
Reset/Change your WordPress Admin Password: In WordPress, there is more than one approach to reset your password. (Regularly, the most…