Install Windows 10 on a new hard drive

Windows 10 is a popular operating system. If the user has activated Windows 10 with an MS account, then installing a new drive to the laptop or PC is easy and it will remain activated. Following is the simple method to install Windows 10 on a new hard drive:

  • Use One Drive to back-up all the files
  • While the old Drive of the user is still installed, click on “Settings”, followed by “Updates & Security”, and then click on “Backup
  • The user can insert a USB that has storage to accommodate Windows and the backup files to the USB drive
  • Now shut down the PC
  • Install the new Drive
  • The user now has to insert a USB and then start the computer in the recovery drive
  • Install the third-party apps and other files

This method is applicable to all versions of Windows 10.

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Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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